đź“‚Project1: House_of_Games_Front-End
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đź“‚Project1: House_of_Games_Front-End
đź“‚Project2: House_of_Games_API
This is ½ of a full stack project. The second half is the House of Games Front-End project, also listed on this page. An API for searching board game reviews; users can get reviews and comments, post comments and vote. The project includes a comprehensive testing suite using Jest and Supertest.
đź“‚Project3: Insectispy
As part of Northcoders, our team created an Android app that leverages machine learning to gamify insect learning. Users can capture insect images, access scientific and common names, and receive trivia. It incorporates a points system, leveling up, and badge unlocking based on insect discoveries.
đź“‚Project4: Calculator_App
A Windows Forms App using the .NET framework to create a functioning calculator. It has a basic and scientific form, as well as a history to show the user's last eight calculations. This helped me further understand classes and interfaces in C#.
đź“‚Project5: Curious_Companions